Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Life Un-Imitating Art": This was my alternate Best of 2002 Challenge entry. Dusted off the old CD's and reprocessed. This was my first POTD at a couple of sites and even won a second place on Kodak when they had monthly prizes, though it never won a POTD with them....hmmm...guess I'll re-enter it. The processing was a bit different from the original in that I cloned out a set of parking lot lights in the lower corner right over the boy by the easel/architectect thing behind the many with the Binonculars.
The premise of the picture was that they were tearing down a building across the street from where I worked. On the building was a mural. The mural was sometimes called the Comcast Mural, as Comcast sponsored it. The building was being torn down to make way guess it...the new Comcast building....only they never started it until about 3 years later. The irony of the situation is that the mural was actually titled "Symbolic Building of a City". I just saw this and took it and that was it. But there was more to see when I uploaded it. The juxtaposition of the really wrecking crane and the construction crane in the mural along with the wrecking hooks dangling from the real crane hanging over the top of the mural. See what is left of mural and you see some people gathered looking up in awe of what was a new beautiful piece of architecture in the mural which has been replaced by the real life crane. A news conference for the new construction turns to a news story of protest of the destruction of the building and the mural.
I was always please with this image and I hope you are, too. Later it's late....don't forget to turn your clocks ahead! Posted by Picasa


Blogger PixelPig said...

Hi Robert! I enjoy reading the comment you post with the shot. This one made for very interesting reading. I like the mix of reality & art in this. Nice shot.

10:50 AM  

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