Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Oh my...well....the yellow challenge was interesting. It tried a few different things. One that I put it that did not enter was "Two Sunflowers". As you can see, I did not use my normal black velvet background instead using a piece of heavy yellow construction paper. It did not do to bad, in fact it was on three sites today....go figure. Always happens, I shoot more than one thing for a challenge and end up usually putting the wrong one in.

I really liked my challenge entry cause it was very different for me. I made some changes per suggestion received in the challenge and it won a site today as well. So maybe I wasn't entirely wrong for once. I am still fascinated that the drop turned out so well in this as it was shot at 1/16 sec.


Blogger kaye said...

I like the shot with the 2 sunflowers. The yellow background works well. Nicely done!

4:15 PM  

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